Field Service & Workforce Management
Leaders in Operations Management and Field Workforce, in the areas of Telecommunications, Energy and Services.
Livesolutions Field Service allows companies to manage their workforce more efficiently, reducing costs and ensuring a real-time view of all their company’s operations.
The LiveSolutions solution allows you to control all phases of your field operations, projects/orders, documentation, budgeting, planning, pending management, materials and equipment logistics by team/entity, assignment of teams by geographic routes, uberisation, registration of production (CheckList, tasks, materials, and photos), mobility and real-time execution Dashboards, production validation, orders, invoicing, and cost/revenue control by project/order, all executed on a single platform and allows integration with solutions and software from third parties.
Automatic integration of Field Services solutions existing in the market in the areas of Telecommunications (FTTH Construction and Client / Mobile Network), Energy, and Services.
E-Redes Distribuição (EDP), MEO, Vodafone, NOS, NOWO, DSTelecom, Portgás, Galp.
- Logistics of Own and Customer Materials;
- Control Own Labor, Equipment and Expenses;
- Management of Client and Subcontractor Contracts;
- Production/Order Records and Customer Billing;
- Cost Control and Billing by Project/Order;
- Maps, Reports and Control Charts.
- Resource Reduction, increasing Operation Control;
- Attribution and Planning with Georeferencing Solutions and the possibility of “Uberisation “;
- Mobile App for Production Recording;
- Real-Time Execution Dashboards.
- Integration with existing Field Service solutions in the areas of Telecommunications, Energy and Services;
- Allows easy integration with external software solutions.
- Importing Orders into Excel;
- Order/Intervention Form;
- Intervention Types, Order Type, Location, Customer;
- Contract Management by Contract or Budget;
- Creation of Labor and Materials Cost Center;
- Cost/Sale Budget by Order;
- Document Management by Order;
- Status Control by Order and Intervention;
- Customer Contract Management (tasks and materials);
- Alarmistic by Order;
- Project Sheet;
- Import KML and Excel from the network;
- Network view on Google Maps;
- onfigurable network structure by project type (Element, Cable, Civil, Survey, Design, Test, among others);
- Management of Network/Element/Intervention states;
- Control by task or UA;
- Importing Orders via e-mail, FTP and Webservice;
- Order Form by Operator;
- Integration of all data available in the API of E-Redes vJUMP;
- PDF+TXT, ARP, CAO, MPM, PDC, APC Documents;
- Order/Intervention form with information E-Redes vJUMP.

Team Management
- Management and Constitution of the Team, Employees, Equipment, Expenses, Indirect Costs and Margin;
- Daily production goals;
- Contract management (tasks and materials) by subcontractor;
- Entity, Associated warehouse and outages.
Assignment of Orders
- Assignment of Order/Intervention to Teams;
- Material Orders by Budget, Manual or Kanban;
- Immediate Order Availability in Partner Module and Mobile App;
- Daily sending of Orders/interventions assigned to the responsible of the team;
- Assignment of intervention types by element;
- Authorization Management by element;
- Management of offside elements;
- Automatic assignment via e-mail, FTP and Webservice;
- Acceptance of proposed dates via E-Redes Webservice;
- Automatic assignment via Webservice E-Redes, Commercial, Maintenance, Construction and Breakdowns.
Production Pre-Registration
- Massive production insertion without stock validation;
- Correction and submission to Production Registration;
- Automatic Production Registration via E-Redes Webservice.
(Commercial, Maintenance, Construction and Breakdowns)
Production Record
- Order Characterization (Order Information);
- Record of Tasks performed manually or via budget;
- Registration of material consumed manually or via quotation;
- Registration of labor, equipment and other expenses;
- Ability to attach documents and photos to the intervention;
- Intervention Rejection Option;
- Optional Check List by intervention;
- Log of all operations performed;
- Daily sending of the production made via e-mail to the person in charge;
- Project/Element Characterization;
- Element Latitude and Longitude Record;
- Mandatory attachment in the test intervention;
- Placing an intervention on Offside;
- Specific characterization of Order data (per operator);
- DOAS and Dismounted Management;
- Characterization of the Order/Intervention E-Redes vJUMP;
- Visualization of data entered in E-Redes mobility;
Tasks, materials, serial numbers and batches.
Production Validation
- Production preview and attachments (photos);
- Possibility to add/change and delete tasks and materials;
- Possibility of rejection or validation of Production by BackOffice;
- Log of all operations performed;
- Production validation by the Supervisor;
- Registration Validation;
- Customer Acceptance;
- Acceptance of Validation Rules (by operator) Customer;
- Communication of consumption to SAP (Vodafone);
- Validation Rules (Commercial, Maintenance, Construction and Breakdown);
- Order dispute, sending a quote by e-mail;
- End of Work Communication via E-Redes Webservice;
Closing Month – Production
- Close of Production by Customer;
- Summary of tasks performed, materials consumed, labor and equipment (valued and quantified);
- Possibility of registering manual lines;
- Covenant Management;
- Production document and cost of subcontracts;
- Work Point Sheet and Equipment Use Sheet;
- Cost of own materials;
- Control by Supplier P.O. (authorized limit value);
- Issuance of order/return notes to Partners;
- Issuance of self-invoices and self credit notes to Partners;
- Availability of SAFT-PT Files in the Partners Module;
- Receipt of Invoice with verification of the Purchase Order;
- Receipt of Credit Notes with verification of the Return Note;
- Production Closure by Client and/or Project;
- Payment Control to Subcontractors by Phase;
Construction Phases | Registration | Acceptance; - Automatic PDC/APC integration via E-Redes Webservice;
- Issuance of order/return notes to Partners;
Control of the issuance of purchase orders if the order has already been billed to E-Redes.
Closing Month – Billing
- Customer Billing Closing;
- Issuance of Auto for the customer by Order;
- Importing Customer Invoice Detail via Excel;
- Customer P.O. Control (authorized limit value);
- Records and Customer Billing;
- Billing deviations from the report;
- Issuance of Report for the customer – Project, element, tasks, HP’s;
- Automatic integration of self-billing via E-Redes Webservice;
- Mobile application for receiving products and reading the QRCode from SAP E-Redes.
Maps and Reports
- Cost Analysis | Production | Billing by Order;
- Cost | Production by Entity and Team;
- Cost | Team Production Objective;
- Analysis of different cost types by Order/Subunit;
- Monthly Billing and Production Maps by Own Team/Subcontractors;
- Production Analysis Own Teams vs. Subcontractors;
- Cost vs Production vs Billing by Order Analysis;
- Result grouped and detailed by Order;
- Network graphic with customer and production status of elements;
- Network Summary – Production and Customer View;
- Análise por Projeto, Elemento e Item;
- Analysis of HP’s Built and Built with testing by Project;
- Control of contracted and available HP by Month;
- Cost analysis by HP;
- Cost vs Production vs Billing by Project;
- Result grouped and detailed by Project.
Warehouse Management
- Central warehouses and team/subcontractors warehouses;
- Minimum, maximum and replacement stock per family or product;
- Material location by family or product;
- Customer and own Materials Management;
- Types of stock management: normal, serial number or batch;
- Types of supply: normal, consigned or consumable;
- Cost valuation by standard cost price or average cost price.
Orders and Requests
- Material Orders;
- Orders.
Stock Movements
- Stock entries, Material transfer to Team warehouses;
- Consumptions and reversals of materials made by the production register;
- Material Returns to Supplier/Customer and Inventories;
- Material output for sale;
- Transport documents and global documents with communication to AT;
- Consumptions with reference to global document with communication to AT;
- Automatic integration of stock movements from SAP E-Redes;
- Mobile application for receiving products and reading the QRCode from SAP E-Redes.
Logistics invoicing
- Issuance of monthly invoice for materials transferred to subcontractors’ warehouses;
- Issuance of a monthly credit note for materials returned from subcontractors’ warehouses;
- Issuance of monthly purchase order to supplier, based on consumption (production record);
- Issue of Invoice for sales.
Logistics Reports
- Stock closing, stock analysis and average cost to date;
- Analysis of movements (normal, serials and batches);
- Product extract by Warehouse (normal, serials and batches);
- Material management in transit;
- Stock in warehouse (normal, serials and lots);
- Pending Consumptions/Reversals (reservations in production register);
- Replacement stock alerts via e-mail;
- History of consumption by Order/Intervention;
- Existences Map;
- Consumption history by Project/Element;
- Integration of stock position in the E-Redes system and comparison lists.
The Partner Portal is the back office of the entities that work for the company, where the information presented is filtered by the Entity, in this module the external entity (subcontractor) in all options, only sees the information that concerns it.
Example: You only see your projects/Orders/interventions, your teams and production, the movements and materials assigned to you, as well as your purchase orders and Self-billing.
- Manual Material Orders or via Budget;
- Pending Supply Orders;
- Material Reception (after receipt, the material is available in stock);
- Check warehouse Stock (normal, serial and batch material);
- Analysis of all Movements made in your Warehouse (inputs and consumptions).
- Consultation of assigned Projects/Orders/Interventions;
- Consultation of project/intervention documents;
- Consultation of shared documents (work instructions, security etc.).
Production Record
- Planned – List of Tasks and Materials planned for the intervention;
- Record of Tasks performed (existing in the Team Agreement);
- Record of Consumed Materials (existing in the Team Warehouse);
- Ability to Attach photos and documents associated with the Project/Intervention;
- Close Working | Dispatch for Impediment;
- Possibility of changing production if the production is rejected by BackOffice.
Order Notes/Self-invoicing
- Consult issued purchase orders;
- Acceptance of Self-billing;
- SAFT/PT file with Autoinvoices to be inserted in the AT.
Maps and Reports
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Production Maps by Team;
- Production Map to Bill (Work in Progress);
- Report of Interventions Not Validated and Rejected;
- Detailed Closing Analysis;
- Purchase Order Analysis;
- Self Billing Analysis.
Backoffice to support mobility where you can manage the allocation of Orders/Projects based on metrics and team availability.
Visualize the teams online on a geographic map with the possibility of interacting with them.
Technicians (Employees or external collaborators)
- Skills (types of service, geographic area and intervention profile);
- Cost Value Hour;
- Associated Entity.
Team Constitution
- Technicians (Employees or external collaborators);
- Vehicles and/or associated equipment;
- Expenses and % Indirect Costs and % Margin;
- Team Schedule and Unavailability;
- Daily Cost and Daily Production Target;
- Warehouse, Contract (tasks) and Entity associated with the Team;
- Automatic configuration of team skills.
Projects / Interventions
- Categorization of Intervention Profiles;
- Geographical Zone;
- Intervention Type (survey, design, mergers, cable, civil etc.);
- Type of service based on planned tasks;
- Daily Cost and Daily Production Target;
- Warehouse, Contract (tasks) and Entity associated with the Team;
- Automatic configuration of team skills;
- Order of Materials by Team/Project.
Operational Cockpit
- Geographical Map of Interventions to be assigned;
- Assignment and visualization by Project/Intervention Cluster;
- Assignment of interventions in the Team Schedule (daily/weekly/monthly);
- Intervention filters by profile, Intervention type, geographic area and priority;
- Ability to assign teams by competence/Intervention profile;
- Creation of Geographic Routes by type of Intervention Profile for Teams, in order to enhance team productivity.
Online Monitoring and Control
- Real Time Intervention/Team Geolocation Dashboard;
- Team Operational Cockpit – operation overview;
- Symbology by type of intervention, priority and planned, ongoing and completed intervention;
- Production validation (consultation of tasks, materials and attachments).
Management of Impediments/Open and Closed Pending Issues
- Pending follow-up/Impediment;
- Creation/association of Interventions to resolve the impediment/pending;
- Control of impediments/open pending issues;
- Type of service based on planned tasks;
- Daily Cost and Daily Production Target;
- Warehouse, Contract (tasks) and Entity associated with the Team;
- Automatic configuration of team skills.
- Tracking of Occurrences, assigning responsible person;
- Creation/association of Interventions to solve the occurrence;
- Open Incident Control.
Control of Registration of Actions by Technician/Equipment
- Daily Control Map by technician of the hours worked;
- Submission for costing the Project/Intervention and information for Salaries;
- Daily Control Map by Vehicle/Equipment of the hours worked and Km performed, and sending for costing the Project/intervention.
Maps and Reports
- Production Map Tasks/Materials daily/weekly and Monthly by Team and Entity;
- Daily/Monthly Goal Management;
- Control of Team Mobility Actions (possibility of exporting via Excel or webservice);
- Entity/Team Analysis Map;
- Cost/Profit Analysis by Project;
- Analyze Work in Progress.
The App was developed in native mode (android), has the ability to work offline and is available in several languages.
The system checks in all actions whether you have an online connection (internet) to the server in order to immediately send the information to the server. If you do not have internet, the action is registered (internally in the mobile phone database) with no interruption /Slow application.
These data will be sent automatically in the background when there is internet connectivity however, this communication can also be forced manually, with the user having visibility of the information not synchronized.
Team Constitution and Actions Registration
- Single Login per Team, with Single Device Control per Team;
- Team Constitution Collaborators and Equipment;
- Registration of Actions, with the purpose of controlling the cost of the intervention;
- Automatic Timesheet for all team members;
- Automatic Vehicle and Equipment Record in Hours and/or Km;
- Information in the Control of Pickings is sent to Cost and Salary Centers;
- This information can be exported to Excel and used via webservice for integration into External systems;
- Registered Actions: Start/End Shift, Warehouse, Travel and Work (configurable, among others).
- Projects/Interventions List assigned to the Team to carry out work with date/time (optional);
- Documentation Consultation (attachments, sketches) associated with the Project/Intervention;
- Geographical Map of Projects/Interventions Planned for the Team;
- Geographical Map of all Projects/Interventions assigned to the Team Entity;
- Interventions with an adequate profile for the team’s skills, and “uberisation” (taking possession) of the team.
- Team warehouse stock query;
- Possibility of making transfers from Warehouse to another team on the ground. These transfers are 2 steps away, require confirmation from the destination team;
- Communication of transport guides to AT (Portugal);
- Job Closing – Ok/NotOk and notes.
Production Record
- Work Start CheckList (configurable);
- Planned – List of Tasks and Materials planned for the intervention;
- Record of Consumed Materials (existing in the Team’s warehouse);
- Register of Impediments/Pendings found;
- Ability to Attach photos and documents associated with the Project/Intervention;
- Work End Checklist (configurable);
- Job Closing – Ok/NotOk and notes.
Occurrence Record
- Type of Occurrence, Description, Attachments (Photos) and Georeferencing;
- In Operational Management, management and follow-up of the Occurrence.
- Credential request management;
- Credential generation and issuance;
- Uploading files;
- Credentials management by access, registration and login;
- Importing and Attaching Files;
- Compliance and Non-compliance Information;
- Control of profiles and contracts by Credential;
- Receiving notifications and alerts;
- Active Profiles Configuration;
- Configuration of Active Contracts;
- Configuration of Non-Conformities.
The Commercial Management+ supports all specific modules of Livesolutions, as it issues all official documents of the company, it is part of the ERP Livesolutions which is certified by the Tax Authority.
It integrates Costs/Revenues Management, as well as the Fleet/Equipment Management used in the specific modules of Livesolutions.
- Service Requests and Material Orders;
- Budget Requests;
- Orders to Supplier;
- Issuance of Purchase Documents (Invoices, Simplified Invoices, Credit Notes);
- Self Billing Receipt;
- Verification of purchasing documents;
- Document Conversion/Import;
- Maps, Analysis and Purchasing Dashboard;
- Automatic generation for Livesolutions Accounting.
- Issuance of Sales Documents (Invoices, Cash Sales, Credit and Debit Notes);
- Prices and Discounts by Customer, Family and Item;
- Calculation of Sales Commissions by Sellers, Item Families;
- Sales Analysis by Customer/Vendor/Zone;
- Covenant Processing;
- Serial Numbers and Color and Size Grids;
- Current Accounts (Management of Outstanding Customers, Suppliers and other Debtors/Creditors, Payments, Receipts and Accounts Meeting, Partial Settlements, Grouped and Detailed Outstanding Analysis);
- Sales Maps, Analysis and Dashboard;
- Automatic generation for Livesolutions Accounting.
- Treatment of Bank Accounts and cash and cash equivalents;
- Transfers between Accounts;
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Account Management;
- Management of Periodic and Predated Movements;
- Postdated Checks, Advances and Issuance of Deposit Receipts;
- Banking Reconciliation Extract to Extract;
- Banking Position;
- Letters Management;
- .
Cost/Income Management
- Cost Control by Business Unit and Sub-Unit;
- Management of Direct, Indirect and Unaffected Cost Plans;
- Productive Plan Management;
- Statements Consultation;
- Control of Accumulated and Balance Sheets;
- Management Maps;
- Billing Panel;
- Results Analysis.
Automatic integration with Commercial Management+, Accounting and Human Resources.
Integration with external ERP’s
- Availability of Webservices Reading for integration with other ERP’s;
- Provision of Webservices Written for integration with the Livesolutions system;
- Options can be developed that use read/write webservices from the Customer’s ERP;
- Integrations with SAP, Navision, SAGE, PHC, Primavera and SAGE.
Available in all modules
- Import of products/services entities and movements via Excel;
- All user-configurable listings (columns, filter ordering, cubes);
- Export of all lists to Excel and PDF;
- Issuance of all documents configurable by the user;
- Sending Listings and Documents via e-mail;
- Developed entirely for the Internet (browsers recommended Chrome, Edge FireFox and Safari).